The story behind the light

Suddenly, a motion occurs in the static hotel lobby. As if a vortex took armloads of plane-tree leaves up in the air and as if, at the same time amidst this dance, everything froze for one brief moment. As if everything in this frozen dance lit up in the dimness.

As if hundreds of tiny, precision-made originals were here just for the sake of composing this monumental and yet extremely light unit.

Each of the 800 leaves is a unique original. Each of them a demanding component as for dexterity, precision, and talent, and there are only a very few glass-makers capable of creating such piece of artwork.

Each component’s model is a real plane-tree leaf.

Each leaf is design-specific and required a unique suspension solution. Due to complicated logistics, all drilling and assembly work was conducted on-site.

Light in space
Everything stops for a moment and you stand in the vortex of autumn leaves hovering and dancing all around – around you.